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Perform an Action Plan (Android)

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To perform an action plan on an Android mobile device.

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the project's Action Plans tool using the Procore app on an Android mobile device.
  2. Tap the action plan you want to perform.
    Note: Action plans that are in 'Edit' mode have 'Awaiting Changes' banners in the action plans list view.
  3. Review the general information, sections, and items.
    Note: Some sections and items may be unavailable to complete if one or more other items were added with 'Blocking Functionality'. See What is 'Blocking Functionality' in an action plan?
  4. Tap an item to review its information and requirements.
  5. Set the status for the individual item (Open, In Progress, Delayed, Closed).
    Note: Items marked as 'Closed' update the progress bar in the 'General Information' section.
  6. Under 'References', tap link(s) to view the references for the item.
  7. Under 'Records', add requested records.
  8. Under the 'Assignees', sign completed action plan items.

See Also