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  • Vous ne devriez pas avoir besoin de mettre à jour les flux de travail sur des pages d’article individuelles, car les flux de travail doivent tous pointer vers cette médiathèque.
Ne modifiez PAS les en-têtes de texte sur ces pages. Ils sont utilisés comme points d'ancrage pour la réutilisation du contenu dans les onglets d'outils "Workflow" et dans des articles spécifiques. Par conséquent, la modification d'un titre entraînera la rupture d'une réutilisation.


Créer la structure du code budgétaire de votre compagnie

Do you want to customize Procore's default company level WBS?
Do you want to customize Procore's default com...
Do you want to edit or delete any segment items before proceeding?
Do you want to edit or delete any segm...

Add Segments to the Company Budget Code Structure
Add Segments to the Company...

Import Segment Items with Procore Imports 2
Import Segment Items...

Add Custom Segments
Add Custom Segments

Add Segment Items
Add Segment Items
Choose from these options
Choose from these options

Edit Segment Items
Edit Segment Items

Edit Custom Segment Settings
Edit Custom Segment S...

Delete Custom Segments
Delete Custom Segments
Choose from these options
Choose from these options
Do you want to add custom segment items to the default segments?
Do you want to add custom segment items...
Do you want to verify your cost code/cost type settings?
Do you want to verify your cost code/cost...

View Company Cost Code Segment Settings
View Company Cost Cod...

View Company Cost Type Segment Settings
View Company Cost Typ...
Choose from these options
Choose from these options


Do you want to add custom segments to your company level WBS?
Do you want to add custom segments to your com...
Procore Administrator
Procore Administrator
'Admin' on Project Admin
'Admin' on Project Admin
You cannot remove the default segments 'Cost Code' and 'Cost Type'. These default segments are required.
You cannot remove the default segments...
Procore Imports
Procore Imports
Company Admin Tool
Company Admin Tool
Do you want to change the segment order of your company budget code structure?
Do you want to change the segment order of your comp...

Arrange the Company Budget Code Structure
Arrange the Company B...
Cost Codes
Cost Codes
Cost Types
Cost Types
Do you want to customize your cost codes and/or cost types?
Do you want to customize your cost codes a...

Add Company Cost Codes
Add Company Cost Code...

Import Segment Items with Procore Imports 2
Import Segment Items...
Choose one of these options
Choose one of these options
Continue to the 'Create Your Project's Work Breakdown Structure' workflow
Continue to the 'Create Your P...
Continue to the 'Create Your Project's Work Breakdown Structure' workflow
Continue to the 'Create Your P...
In WBS, cost codes and cost types are imported as segment items in Procore's default 'Cost Code' and 'Cost Type' segment.
In WBS, cost codes and cost types are impor...

Import Segment Items with Procore Imports 2
Import Segment Items...
Choose one of these options
Choose one of these options

Add Company Cost Types
Add Company Cost Type...

Créez la structure de code budgétaire de votre projet

Choose any option(s)
Choose any option(s)


Do you want to copy the WBS from another Procore project?
Do you want to copy the WBS from anothe...

Copy the project template's WBS
Copy the project template's WBS
Configure a Project Template 1
Configure a Project Templ...
Do you want to customize this WBS for your new project?
Do you want to customize this WBS for y...


Apply your company's default WBS
Apply your company's default WBS
Create Your Project's Work Breakdown Structure
Create Your Project's Wor...
What do you want to customize?
What do you want to customize?

Sub Jobs
Sub Jobs

Edit Sub Jobs on a Project
Edit Sub Jobs on a Pr...

Enable Sub Jobs
Enable Sub Jobs

Add Sub Jobs to a Project
Add Sub Jobs to a Pro...
Delete Sub Jobs from a Project
Delete Sub Jobs from...
Procore Administrator
Procore Administrator
'Admin' on Project Admin
'Admin' on Project Adm...
Company Portfolio
Company Portfolio

Budget Code Structure
Budget Code Structure

Copy Company Segments to a Project
Copy Company Segments...

Remove Segments from a Project's Budget Code Structure
Remove Segments from a P...

Add Segments to the Project Budget Code Structure
Add Segments to the P...

Segment Items
Segment Items

Edit Segment Items on a Project
Edit Segment Items on...

Delete Unused Segment Items from a Project
Delete Unused Segment...

Copy Company Cost Codes to a Project
Copy Company Cost Cod...

Add Segment Items to a Project
Add Segment Items to...
Project Admin
Project Admin
You can also perform this task with 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Portfolio tool
You can also perform this task...

Create a New Project
Create a New Project
Continued from the 'Create Your Company's Work Breakdown Structure' workflow
Continued from the 'Create Your Co...