Remove Equipment from Project (Android)

 En version bêta

Cette fonctionnalité est actuellement en version bêta.

Also available on  ios-gray-icon.jpg 


To remove equipment from a project using the Procore app on an Android mobile device.

Éléments à considérer


  1. Accédez à l'outil Équipement (bêta) à l'aide de l'application Procore sur un appareil mobile Android.
  2. Tap the equipment record.
    Tap the QR code icon-qr-mobile.png icon and point your camera toward the QR code.
    The QR code will be scanned and show the equipment details.
  3. Click the horizontal ellipsis icon-ellipsis-horizontal.png and select Remove from Project List.
    The equipment is removed from your project's Equipment register.
    The project is removed as the 'Current Project' in the company's Equipment tool.

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